


Working to help the planet heal with the hope of creating a brighter future

My Mission

Peace, Love, & freedom

It can be easy to lose hope of things changing for the better in a world overrun by destruction, malice, and oppression. But even amid all the darkness, we can find light shining in the most unexpected places.

As an Autistic, Afro-Dominican, queer-femme (They/Them), I’ve had to develop immense courage, self-compassion, and a strong sense of purpose to continue to progress past obstacles along my spiritual and professional journey. After being repeatedly discouraged, overlooked, and underestimated by established individuals in my field and beyond, it has become evident that society needs to evolve to be more understanding, welcoming, and supportive of uniquely talented and aberrant people, and especially People of Color. I intend for my continued perseverance and success to be an inspiration and reminder to others of their own ability to pursue their dreams and passions in life.



To use my gifts and experiences to help guide others towards inner peace and freedom


To be an advocate for equitable change, transformative justice, and liberation


To help restore balance between humanity and Mother Earth


To inspire hope and reverence for the Divine

What I Do

Featured Services


To help you heal, grow, and walk in your life purpose.


To help come up with solutions to environmental issues, specifically related to environmental justice and urban sustainability and resilience.


To provide ideas, inspire growth, and trigger healing through art.

Payment & Offerings

I believe that all exchanges should be equal and balanced. As such, I expect fair payment from you in return for my time and any services provided. What is considered “fair” will depend on each individual’s particular circumstance, which is why I request payment for my services on a [3-tier] sliding scale. Though monetary payment is preferred, non-monetary payments may also be offered in exchange for my services. For special requests like these, please reach out to me through one of the contact forms on my site. Donations are very greatly appreciated and will be dedicated to helping and giving back to the community (all those whose lived experience I relate to and/or those who relate with mine). For example, donations may be used to help fund my urban environmental justice research that focuses on improving the lives of marginalized communities by advocating for their access to a healthier and cleaner environment and resources that facilitate [and does not hinder or counteract] their spiritual, physical, and psychological healing and well-being.

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