Healer | Guide | Visionary | Scholar | Naturalist | Environmentalist | Creative | Philanthropist

Prayers & Affirmations

These are prayers of gratitude and affirmations for confidence, protection, abundance, power, and peace

I am grateful for Me and who I've grown to Be.
I am a free and sovereign Being – the Master of my own reality.
I am rich and abundant, and I have everything I need in any given moment.
They can’t take my power – it’s mine for me to use in service to the Divine.
I am grateful to Source for the Being that is Me and the Life that is and is to Be.
I am grateful for the clouds and the inspiration they provide – for the messages they bring and the fire they hide.
I am grateful for the ground, the grass beneath my feet, and my foundation – steady and sound.
I let my thoughts go, like the clouds across the sky – let them flow, let them go, let them go...
I am Infinite like the Universe.
I release myself now from everything still trying to hold me back and hold me down. 
I am grateful to Source for my Divine gifts and 
I am grateful for the Sun's healing rays on my skin every day.
I am grateful for the wind – it speaks to my soul and makes my heart sing.
I am shielded in a Golden membrane - only good vibes are allowed through, so any evil you say or do goes back to you.
I am grateful for the trees and the sky and for this Peace I feel inside.
...but I catch each message as I watch them go by – I let them flow, I let them go, I let them go.
No one can touch my innerG. 
I'm Free to Be. I'm Free.
This is gonna take the time it needs 'cuz it’s happening in Divine timing.
In order to be a vessel for the Divine, I must open my heart & clear my mind.
It is what it is. And it's gonna be what it needs to Be. In this very moment I choose to do Me.
I acknowledge all possibilities, but release expectations.
I AM all the Love I dreamed of having.
I'm excited for the future,
grateful for the past,
and mindful of the present.
Do not judge and do not shame me.
If you don't like what you see
just look away and let me Be.
I release Myself here and now.
I release Myself from all earthly bounds.
Doy gracias por cada lágrima – each one is a gift that life al Corazón da.
I am a fortress – no negative vibes can trespass; no dark energy can get past.
I am All that I need to Be. 
At any given moment I am Me.
I choose to bring Peace in my life and in others. I choose to give Love to the world, like my Mother.
All the Love I need is within Me.
All the Love I desire is around Me.
Not everyone is here to get me.
Dragonflies flitter and butterflies flutter –
I will dance and I'll laugh
my way out this clutter.
Fear runs away
in My
What you see is what's in you.
So if you say 'me' that means you too.