Opening Up

It can be difficult letting people into our heart and into our [inner or external] space. Especially when our experiences have shown us that some do nothing but bring out the darkness within or around us. We may be cautious due to a past where others have crossed our boundaries and peered into the private parts of our lives without our consent. And amid this invasion of privacy, we may have been attacked, misjudged, or judged harshly without being given a chance to explain our way of Being. It is no wonder that we may feel a need to hide ourselves away from othersโ€™ misguided actions, peering eyes, and condemning thoughts.

Though we may be inclined to shut ourselves off from new people or from people in general as a means of self-preservation, it may not always be in our best interest to do so. Yes, we can find needed Peace and healing in solitude and isolation. But if we were to remain secluded forever, we would be squashing out any possibilities for creating genuinely fulfilling, empowering, propelling connections and experiences. And we would be doing the world a disservice by not sharing of our unique and authentic selves.

Because though the Sun can burn those who ignorantly dawdle in its penetrating rays, who among us would wish [or be able] to live in a world without its nourishing and Life-giving Light? Who among us would not prefer to see a rose bud open up to become a beautiful flower? Frankly, the world would be a much darker and uglier place if the Light and beauty that is each Soul remained hidden forever.

So let us be like a caterpillar whoโ€™s retreated into a cocoon to safely undergo metamorphosis. And then let us emerge โ€“ unrecognizably transformed โ€“ to grace the world with our Presence, as the winged beauty that we are.

Though society makes it difficult for us to open up, let us to do so anyways. Let us show up in the world as no one other than ourselves.
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